Probiotics are live microorganisms that can provide a wide variety of health benefits, including digesting food, producing vitamins, and supporting the immune system. Probiotics and beneficial bacteria for the body in addition to having a natural origin in the body, these "friendly" bacteria can result from the fermentation process, are added to food, or made in supplement form.
While there are those who say that more research is needed to definitively show that the addition of dietary forms of probiotics promotes health, many have experienced significant health improvements after increasing their intake of beneficial bacteria. Probiotics relieve ailments such as allergies, digestive upset, Candida, high cholesterol, acne, eczema, common infections, immune diseases, and other symptoms.
Probiotics and bacteria because they are so beneficial for the body
1.- It is estimated that there are more than 400 strains of beneficial bacteria in the normal digestive tract, of which the most common are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
2. There are 10 times more bacterial cells in the body than human cells, but all of them could fit in a half-gallon jug, as they are much smaller in size.
3.- Bacteria are frequent in several regions of the body: the mouth, nose, pharynx, intestinal tract, vaginal tract and skin.
4.- Microbes that colonize different regions of the body differ in type and function based on the composition of their habitat.
5.- Intestinal bacteria stimulate the immune system by regulating the population and density of intestinal immune cells.
6.- Antibiotics, stress, poor diet, and exposure to toxic substances can reduce the number of beneficial bacteria in the body.
7.- Gut microbes are generally capable of recolonizing after being disturbed and without intervention. However, probiotics can help replenish your numbers.
8.- Each individual has its own unique population of microbes, even if the species between people are similar.
9.- Good bacteria can prevent unwanted microbes from entering the bloodstream.
10. Normal bacteria levels are fairly stable throughout life, although transitions occur at weaning and again in old age.
The use of probiotics stimulates the intestinal flora
Consuming whole foods that naturally contain probiotics is the best way to ensure an optimal balance of the intestinal flora. These foods include yogurt, kefir, lacto-fermented sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, kombucha, natto, kimchi, and microalgae. Just be sure to read the label when purchasing these foods to confirm that they contain active live cultures.
Warnings and cautions about probiotic supplements
If you are experiencing symptoms and your health coach or doctor recommends that you take probiotic supplements in capsule form, keep the following in mind when purchasing - effectiveness varies depending on manufacturing quality:
- Contains the Lactobacillus acidophilus strain
- Contains at least 5 billion living organisms
- Is dairy free and gluten free
- Contains no artificial sweeteners, flavors or preservatives
- Provides both aids: for immune health and digestive aid
Make the most of probiotics and beneficial bacteria for your health
You can consult the instructions to make a healthy probiotic or learn more about what kombucha is, since this is an ancient probiotic drink. And know the importance of the intestinal flora for our health.
Your metabolism is the process your body uses to make and burn energy from food. You rely on your metabolism to breathe, think, digest, circulate blood, keep warm in the cold, and stay cool in the heat. It is a common belief that raising your metabolism helps you burn more calories and increase weight loss. Unfortunately, there are more myths about boosting metabolism than tactics that work.